Henry Moore Complete Drawings 1916-86: Complete Drawings 1984-86, Addenda and Index 1916-86
Category: Books,New, Used & Rental Textbooks,Humanities
Henry Moore Complete Drawings 1916-86: Complete Drawings 1984-86, Addenda and Index 1916-86 Details
This seventh and final volume in the complete catalogue of Henry Moore's drawings provides a key to the material contained in the other six volumes. It gives a consolidated version of all the reference apparatus contained in each of the other volumes (index, concordance and list of exhibitions), enabling the user to track down any particular drawing from any period or volume by means of its title, HMF or AG number. to information that has come to light since this series was launched in 1994. Some 150 items are included in this section. unpublished drawings produced by Moore in the last two years of his life (1984-86) and held in the archives of the Henry Moore Foundation. About 50 of these are illustrated and give a flavour of the fine quality of the artist's output even as he approached the end of his life.