Henry Moore (Artists in Their Time)

Category: Books,Children's Books,Arts, Music & Photography

Henry Moore (Artists in Their Time) Details

Examines the life and work of the English sculptor, describing and giving examples of his art.


This book is part of the Artists in Their Time sieres by Scholastic. The series features artists from different media and styles, including, Georgia O'Keeffe, Frida Kahlo, Paul Cezanne and Paul Gaugin, amongst others. This book is intended for the young student who would be in middle school. As an introduction to the works of Moore and a biography it is very good. The approximately fifty pages are very colorful and expressive by displaying some of the drawings and sculptures of Henry Moore. The book does a good job of explaing tecniques and the difficulties and process of working with certain media. The influences of Moore are noted as are the results of those influences.I found this book very informative even though I had prior knowledge of some of the art works of Henry Moore. Without doubt the student will be blown away by the pieces featured in this book and probably want to learn more about this man. The book features an excellent glossary and a listing of museums and galleries around the world that have pieces by Moore. This will be very valuable(some have virtual tours) for the student who is doing a report on Moore as the listing of museums and galleries includes the web sites. This is a great book for the middle school student to learn about one of best modern artists, who was genius in his field. For further reading(or looking at the sculptures) you may find some of these books useful Henry Moore; (Twentieth-century masters),Henry Moore or any other of the fine books by David Mitchinson about Henry Moore. Recommended for middle school and community libraries and the young students introduction to the wonderful art world of Henry Moore.

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