Complete Works
Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Literature & Fiction
Complete Works Details
Complete fictional writings of Lewis Carroll with 285 original illustrations. The collection comes with inline tables of contents and links after each text/chapter which lead back to the respective tables. -------------------------- Contents: Novels " Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. (Illustrated by John Tenniel) " Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. (Illustrated by John Tenniel) " Sylvie and Bruno. (Illustrated by Harry Furniss) " Sylvie and Bruno Concluded. (Illustrated by Harry Furniss) Stories " A Tangled Tale. (Illustrated by Arthur B. Frost) " Bruno's Revenge and Other Stories. " What the Tortoise Said to Achilles. Poems " Early Verse. " Puzzles from Wonderland. " Prologues to Plays. " Rhyme? And Reason? (Illustrated by Arthur B. Frost & Henry Holiday) " College Rhymes and Notes by an Oxford Chiel. " Acrostics, Inscriptions and Other Verses. " Three Sunsets and Other Poems. (Illustrated by E. Gertrude Thomson)
The time has come the Walrus said, to talk of many things. Of shoes, of ships, of sealing wax: of cabbages and kings.And why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings. Brilliant writer, enjoyed on many levels. What a wonderfulescape from the bore sitting next to you in seat 14E.